понедельник, 24 февраля 2020 г.


The site is designed for the audio files to be downloaded and not for listening online. You can also contact him at vedapandit AT gmail. However, feel free to learn the stotras as they are not bound by shruti. Introduction to shrI satya dEvam bhaje in telugu by Dr. With an acknowledgement to Vedamantram. sri purusha suktam mp3

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Purusha Sukta : Rigveda : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

About Vedamantram vEda literally purushw Knowledge. Please listen to these very sacred mantras with a clean body and a pure putusha to enhance your spiritual progress. The site is designed for the audio files to be downloaded and not for listening online.

Introduction to shrI satya dEvam bhaje in telugu by Dr. This website is dedicated to host audio files of vEda mantras and stotras recited by Sri Venkata Sastry. If you are wondering about the script for the samskrita words, they are transliterated in ITrans specifications.

sri purusha suktam mp3

The vEda mantras have been passed down orally for more than years without any change, either in their intonation or the content. Introduction to the Vedas in telugu.


Please do not attempt to learn the mantras from the audio without the guidance of a qualified guru, since a mantra by definition should only be recited according to the right shruti. We have not reserved any rights for the audio files on this webpage as we siktam nobody holds a right on the vEdas. We have skktam the ITrans scheme to transliterate Samskrita words in English letters to accurately represent Samskrita letters.

sri purusha suktam mp3

With an acknowledgement to Vedamantram. The vEdas are the basis for the world's oldest and continuous civilization arising out of bhAratavarSha India. Any other creative ways of participation in this effort are encouraged.

Mp, feel free to learn the stotras as they are not bound by shruti.

Euktam is also well versed in vEdic astrology. Your contributions will be gratefully received at: He is well experienced in fixing muhUrtams for all functions and performs the following rituals among many other smArta rituals: Please contact him if you need any more information about the vEdic school or the website:.

Introduction to durgA sapta shati shlOkAvaLi in telugu.

Purusha Suktam

You can also contact him at vedapandit AT gmail. While Sri Sastry and Vamsee maintain this website out auktam their pockets, donations are sought for providing free education to deserving students in the vEdic school. However, please use the material only for spiritual or religious purposes only.

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